When My Life Is Full of Problems

When My Life Is Full of Problems

“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.”

“When it rains, it pours.”

We’ve all been there drenched in life’s troubles. The waters rise and we think we can’t take one more thing and then, WHOOSH! In rolls the tide.

It’s just the way it goes sometimes.

We’ve been in a season like this over the past year. Just as soon as we thought things would slow down and get easier, life seemed to kick into high gear and rather than slowing down, I found myself running at full speed in a direction I never really imagined.

Our problems won’t be the same as yours, but just to give you an idea of the problems I’m talking about: they don’t include small things like flat tires and burnt dinners. I’m talking big stuff. Like cancer and troubled kids who need a home.

I know you have your problems too. We could all make a list. For some of us, just the thought of writing it all down might cause a panic attack.

Life just has a way of piling it on all at once. When the problems get higher, sometimes they block our view of God.

Oh, we want to see Him. To know Him. To be with Him and sense His presence, but our problems pile up blocking us from the one thing we know will give us relief.

So we buckle beneath the weight of life and we let the hard stuff overwhelm our hearts, minds, and lives.

We worry.

It’s hard to sense God’s power when our problems just keep on coming.

Have you been there?

Maybe you are there now, or you know too well the way worry feels. Just reading this makes your the depths of your gut churn and your mind rush into the unknowns that lie ahead.

I know. I know because just like you, I have walked the road of piled-high problems.

I have sunk beneath the waves of life when I felt like I couldn’t handle one more thing. And I have raised my voice at God in the anguish of the unknown and begged Him for answers and relief.

Life is hard, y’all.

But here’s the good part. God in His tender way has scooped me up out of the mess of my own misery and given me a gift that I won’t ever let go.

This gift is something so precious I can’t really even describe it. But the best I know how, I share about it in my new book.

It’s His presence, y’all. It’s free. It’s for you. It’s for me.

We can experience God’s power and His presence, but it’s up to us.

Problems are going to come. They are going to fill up our lives and they are going to distract us. But there is beauty waiting to be held in the presence of those problems. It’s up to us to sift through the mess and find the message.

God is waiting for you.

If you want to read more about why I wrote Anchored In, you can find that HERE. (link to past post)

If you want to order Anchored In, you can do that HERE!

What problems are filling your life right now? I would love to pray for you this week. Leave a comment and I will lift your name in prayer.

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox

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  1. I would love it if you could pray for me and my church. We are transitioning now, and it’s been a bit of a rough road. I don’t want to get caught up in the things that don’t matter. I need prayer that I’ll move forward with my church and serve Christ in a unified mindset.

  2. Thank you for reminding us that “His presence” is our gift in every storm! I can easily get caught up in the waves, but when I slow down, His gentle whisper is always there saying, “give it to me.” Such a beautiful devotion, Micah. Blessings to you!

  3. Micha, I am in a season that is rife with joys and sorrows. My dear sweet husband of 37 years passed away in April after a lengthy painful cancer diagnosis. One of my joys is knowing that Dave is completely healed and no longer in pain and another is the addition of 2 little bundles of joy to my nieces! God has been my anchor during this time of struggle. Knowing that He is unchanging and ever faithful has been a real comfort to me!

    1. Valerie, I’m so very sorry for the loss of your precious husband, but how beautiful to hear you praise our Lord in the loss. Hugs!!

  4. We surely can experience his presence. He made the first move by Jesus dying for us. Now it’s up to us to come near to him…the invitation had been sent.

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