7 Psalms for the Depressed Woman

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7 Psalms for the Depressed Woman

Two years ago, I shared a series titled, “Hope for the Depressed Woman.” I received an overwhelming amount of messages and comments about the series. I am posting the links below for easy access, but also I have a special gift I want to offer you. It’s a short collection of my favorite Psalms that I know will encourage your heart if you are walking through a difficult season. All you have to do is enter your email below. If you are already subscribed, you will receive the gift in your inbox, so no need to enter your email again.

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Living With Purpose: Week 5

Week 1: Silent Seasons Week 2: Seasons of Blessings Week 3: Seasons to Stop Week 4: Seasons of Uncertainty And now for Week 5: Seasons When You Feel Shattered   As a teenage girl I knew what it felt like to feel shattered. On the first day of school, a boy who I really liked, asked me to go to the biggest event of the school year. One day after lunch, he asked if we could talk. Right there in the middle of the lunch room he ripped out my heart and told me we would have more fun with

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Loneliness, Loss, and Love

Life has a way of making us think about what really matters most. As we gathered yesterday to practice for our annual Christmas concert, there was another gathering going on not far from us. A group, who had lost someone they loved dearly, gathered to remember their loved one. The chair once filled with life and love, now sits as a reminder of loss. If there’s an empty spot in your life, and you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the hype of the holidays, take time to be comforted with these thoughts about the reason for the season:

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The Broken Way Book Giveaway!

I am so excited to be giving away a beautiful gift this week! Ann Voskamp’s latest New York Times Bestseller has the potential to change the way you view the broken parts of life. It’s a powerful book of encouragement wrapped up in some of the most beautiful writing I’ve ever read. I am giving away a hard-back copy of The Broken Way along with the upcoming Study Guide and DVD! You will be truly blessed by this book that dares us to live the abundant life even amidst the brokenness. When I set out to read The Broken Way, in

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When Life is Overwhelming and Strength is Gone

Sometimes the struggles of life take us under and sweep us away into unknown depths we have never experienced. You want to be strong, have faith, and smile through the storm, but tears, unknowns, and difficult scenarios bombard your mind faster than your faith can respond. We all have those seasons. For some it’s the loss of a loved one who seemed to hold the family together, for others it’s separation in a relationship that has held on for years. Perhaps it’s the words of a doctor that swirl inside your heart until you cannot handle another word. When life

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When Life Changes With One Word – Cancer

When I looked at the September calendar every week was filled to the brim with events and activities. I braced myself for a busy month and stood at the starting line ready to run. Before the first week came to an end, my plans were altered, my heart was heavy, and everything normal had to be set aside. When I got the call that confirmed my dad’s cancer, the weight of every letter of that word pounded deeply within my chest with a huge question mark at the end. C-A-N-C-E-R-? My heart hurt. My stomach churned and I immediately felt

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