Peace for Today

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Peace for Today

There are things in life that rock our worlds and cause us to struggle to truly remember God’s presence is with us in all things. We all need fresh peace for today. I want to share a little poem that expresses the sweet way God reminds me He is with me even through the biggest struggles. I hope it encourages your heart. PEACE FOR TODAY In times like these I find what’s real,I learn myself and how I feel. I cannot fear what tomorrow will be,For only today is what I see. I lean into the strong arms of my

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God, Are You Going to Show Up for Me?

I pull the covers back over my head and take a deep breath. So many things to do and so many errands to run, but the desire to get moving has escaped me. I wonder if God is going to show up for me. I nuzzle back into the comfortable place on the bed and wait for the alarm to buzz. I close my eyes and as soon as my body relaxes, buzz, buzz, buzz. I reach for the phone only moving my arm and feel for the snooze button until the sound stops and I relax again.  I never

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Find Real Peace Today

Find Real Peace Today

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When Life Makes You Doubt

When the winds of life are blowing out of control, it’s difficult to see beyond what lies directly ahead. Sometimes the trials that loom seem insurmountable. What do you do when life makes you doubt? I’ve seen my share of wind and waves, and I know what it’s like to be knocked down and feel like I am nearly drowning by the heaviness of life.  I don’t know about you, but when it comes to storms and trials I’m so much like Peter.  I start out determined to have faith.  I want to take big strides toward God and make it

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5 Verses to Find Your Faith Again

I pulled the covers up over my head and closed my eyes tightly. My mind embraced a new day, but my heart rejected the new tomorrow because I knew the things that made my heart feel heavy yesterday were still there. I can still feel the heaviness, the worry, the waiting and wondering if things would work out. The unknown outcomes caused anxiety. Questions, and heartaches from a fresh new wave of trials make us want to go to sleep and dream of a better tomorrow. A day when life is good again and our hearts don’t hurt so much.

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What is Holding You Back?

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25 It was clear. I heard God’s voice. I knew I should take the next step, but I was afraid. Fear cripples me and tells me lies. Fear pins me to the floor and says things like: You are not capable. You will never succeed. It is too difficult. People will laugh at you. There are others more qualified. The task is too big for you. Your strength will fail. It does not make sense. I stand face to face with

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