Talking to Jesus Book Review

Talking to Jesus Book Review

Talking to Jesus is a new book by Jeannie Blackmer. You can find out more about Jeannie HERE. In her new book Talking to Jesus, Jeannie takes the conversations Jesus had with the people in the book of Matthew and shows us how each of these conversations could be giving us some insight on how to “pray” or talk to God. Jeannie cleverly describes each interaction with Jesus to take us back in real time to the streets where Jesus walked. We are able to imagine what it must have been like to be the leper, or the woman with

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Worry: The Big Time Waster and How to Get Rid of It

Worry: The Big Time Waster and How to Get Rid of It

If you missed previous posts in the series, you can find them here: Week 1 – Worry: It’s a Real Thing Week 2 – Worry: One Simple Change Week 3 – Worry: “What If” vs “What Is” Sometimes when God calls us to do something for Him, we get caught up in the details and begin to feel like we aren’t qualified to accomplish the goal. It seems too big, too far out of reach, and too impossible. So we quit because we become overwhelmed with worry over the details that we can’t quite figure out. I’ve been there consumed

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Worry: “What If” vs. “What Is”

Worry: “What If” vs. “What Is”

If you missed previous posts in the series, you can find them here: Week 1 – Worry: It’s a Real Thing Week 2 – Worry: One Simple Change The “what if” questions of life are hard, heavy, and honestly difficult to ask. Yet so often we live our lives beneath these questions and never say them out loud. What if they never get better? What if I never get that job? What if I never feel valuable? What if I never have a child? What if I never accomplish that goal? What if I never get married? What if my

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Worry: One Simple Change

Worry: One Simple Change

If you missed the first post in the series, you can find it here: Week 1 – Worry: It’s a Real Thing I bolted from my room as the fire alarm sounded and I rushed to the bedrooms where my children lay sleeping. When the fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night, there’s really nothing like it. The heart-pounding result is incomparable. First thought – my kids! My husband made the command, “Stay here with the children, and I will check out the house!” I stood at the top of the steps trembling, blinking quickly trying to

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Worry: It’s a Real Thing

Worry: It’s a Real Thing

Worry. It’s the jaw-clenching, gut-wrenching, heart-pounding thing that makes you wonder what life will hold next. It’s the fear over what you said yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow. It’s the ache in the pit of your stomach that won’t give up, and the wrinkles in your forehead that can’t relax. It’s real. And it’s wreaking havoc on our souls one day at a time. What do we do when worry sabotages our peace and makes us feel like we can’t move? It’s paralyzing at its best, and completely consuming at its worst. We know it’s coming because it’s just

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Guest Post: I Will Miss the Mountains

Guest Post: I Will Miss the Mountains

I am thrilled to welcome Sarah Frazer to encourage us with a guest post today! Her new devotional, Coming Home: Finding God as Our Dwelling Place, is available now. One of the best parts of my state is the change of seasons. Each season is so distinct, unique and beautiful in its own way. West Virginia is not portrayed accurately in politics, history, social media, news, or Hollywood. (Is any state rightly represented, though?) I’ve always been proud to be from West Virginia (not western Virginia – we are a separate state). Neither North or South, we find ourselves in-between.

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