When You Feel Overwhelmed

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When You Feel Overwhelmed

It’s been a while. There are many reasons why, but for now I’ll just share one – Foster Care. I don’t know how much of this journey I will share, but as God gives me words, I promise to let you in on the beautiful broken road we are walking. We live in a world where we are challenged to simplify, organize, and compartmentalize our lives into cute planners with holiday stickers and journals for every occasion. I’m the first to confess I love an adorable planner with a fun pink pen and a place to keep my list of

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Bible Basics Children’s Book Giveaway!

I’ve been on a bit of a blogging break as I follow the direction God is leading me in this season. In February we finished up a series that led me to a place of pause. So for most of March I’ve been waiting for direction from God for the next blog series (also I’ve been finishing up final edits on my book that comes out THIS FALL! EEK! I’ll share more about that soon!). I am excited to share with you that we will be diving into a new blog series in April titled – Peace in Unknown Seasons. I’m super

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Mom, Stay a Little Longer

The sink is overflowing with dishes and the floor is speckled with crumbs, but it’s time for dinner again. The easiest option is soup, so I stir and let it simmer until it’s ready. I reach in the drawer for spoons and open the cabinet for bowls, but I see the empty space where the spoons go and the blank shelf where the bowls normally reside. I need to wash the dishes. They pile up so quickly. Faster than I can keep up. Isn’t that the way life happens sometimes? And then we go to reach for what we need

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For the Tired Mom

Let’s just admit it. We all have our moments. Motherhood brings joy like nothing else on planet earth, but along with the cooing and cuddles comes tantrums and night terrors. As the little dumplings grow, there’s back talk, eye rolling, and the occasional huff and puff that has to be wrangled and set on the right path. It’s hard work being a mom. Truly, it’s exhausting! I’ll be the first to confess I take perfectly normal days and make complete motherhood messes that I would rather forget. I start out with really good intentions. I get up early, drink enough

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School Year Prayers From a Mama’s Heart – April

Wisdom doesn’t come natural. It’s not something you can give to your child on their tenth birthday and expect them to cherish it, treasure it, and keep it forever. It’s a day by day, moment by moment process. The hard part is that children have to learn wisdom for themselves. Although I would love to impart every ounce of wisdom I contain into my children, wisdom in itself does not come from me. Wisdom only comes from God. I can manipulate, coerce, and train my children certain nuances about wise decision making, but real wisdom will only be attained if

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School Year Prayers from a Mama’s Heart – March

I looked around the room and I saw a girl who seemed uncomfortable. She looked terrified to be in church, and she obviously didn’t know anyone in the group. I was faced with a choice. I could walk across the room and make her feel welcome, or I could sit down where I felt comfortable with people I had already built relationships with. The Holy Spirit nudged my heart and I crossed the uncomfortable line and invited her to sit with me. I’m so thankful I did. That girl is now serving in her own ministry and now she is

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