The Bravest Thing

It’s sometimes the obvious things that are the most difficult.

It’s obvious that we need to confess our sins and turn from them, but it’s much more difficult to actually take that step. Sometimes it’s comfortable to stay put. The guilt becomes the norm and the struggle seemingly fades away. The sin that consumes your life looks normal and you are surrounded by other people engaging in the same stuff.

You can go on for a while, pressing down conviction and the knowledge of right and wrong. After all, everyone is doing it. At some point you are faced with a choice. This choice is different from before. It’s no longer if the current life choices are morally right, but rather you face the decision of listening to God’s call or continue running away from your creator and Savior.

You know the right choice, and you want to choose it, but it seems too difficult. Fear of what life will be like after submission of your will, is holding you back from obedience. In your heart you know the right choices, you’ve heard God’s voice before. And recently He’s been calling you. You know it’s true.

At one time it was a comfort to feel Him correct you and guide you. It was a reminder of His love for you. He had plans, big plans for you.

Now, it feels like He is so far away. The plans can’t possibly succeed now. It seems as if any hope of a “good” life has been ruined by your own destructive mistakes.

If you have ever been so far away that it felt like you could not turn back, let me encourage you today.

God loves you.

The bravest thing you could ever do in your life is turn around.

God forgives you.

The bravest thing you could ever do is to ask Him to forgive you.

God is calling you.

The bravest thing you could ever do is answer His call.

God doesn’t need you, but He wants you. He loves you.

Are you feeling far away? Turn around. His love never fails.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Psalms 51:10-12

I am so convicted to turn around. Will you join me? Let’s be brave. Let’s turn away from the push of this world.

Let’s stop running with the chaos and confusion and run toward rest and peace. Do you believe? Be brave. I challenge you to turn around.

I have to turn to God every single day, and I still get it wrong some days. Don’t be deceived by those appearing more spiritual than you. They have to take the same brave step that you do. So here’s your chance.

If you read this and think that sounds about right, but I don’t know where to start, message me. Let’s talk.

What would you tell someone who feels far away from God? Share it with us!

If you are feeling far away from God, what is one step you can take to get back on track? I would love to hear from you!

I hope you will be brave today. Turn around, ask for forgiveness and answer God’s call. You won’t regret it.

Love & Blessings,


About Micah Maddox

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  1. I read your gorgeous post, and I picture Jonah… God had something, a calling, especially for him and he turned away… I’d hate to be a Jonah and nearly miss out, no matter how scary but it’s not easy sometimes to be brave until we remind ourselves that God is in control.
    Your words put this all in perspective in a very real way, Micah, can’t tell you how wonderful that is! Blessings!

  2. I like what you say about having to make a DAILY CHOICE to turn around. I’ve been so convicted the last months by my need to repent daily. Sometimes we get tricked into thinking we’re okay, but we need God’s forgiveness desperately!

  3. I liked what you said here. It’s a great invitation to be brave and turn away from what the world is doing. Thanks!

  4. Such hope and warmth in this: “God doesn’t need you, but He wants you. He loves you.” It’s all about Jesus. Encouraging post, Micah. Visiting via #DancewithJesus

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