10 Things Every Wife Needs to Hear From Her Husband

Life isn’t always like the movies. Even the best relationships have their down days. This list is for you to share with your spouse. I know it might sound strange to give your husband a list of things you want him to say to you, but sometimes husbands wish they knew what their wife wanted them to say. Have you ever looked at your husband and wished he would say something sweet, kind, or at least say something at all?

Rather than expecting your husband to sift through the signals of what you are really trying to say, try saying what you really mean. I’m learning this is super effective in communicating in marriage.

Print this list and slip it in a place your husband will find it, or send him this link so he can read it for himself and come up with his own way of saying something thoughtful. I know it sounds silly, but trust me, your husband will thank you for giving him a little more clarity on what you really need to hear from him.

Some of the questions on the list might require eye contact, a conversation, or an embrace without any expectations.

So here you go!

10 Things Every Wife Needs

I’m sure you have things you would like to add to this list so please do so by leaving your ideas in the comments below.

I hope you have a great week and if you find that this list is helpful, pass it on to a friend!

Love & Blessings,


About Micah Maddox

Page with Comments

  1. Great idea! It is so true that if we as wives could just say what we really mean instead of expecting our husband to figure out what we want, our marriages would be so much better. Following from lovelylittlelives.com

    1. Thanks for dropping in today! Isn’t it crazy how we expect them to read our minds. I know I do. I’m really working on speaking up and saying what I mean. It’s not easy. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks for dropping in this week, Michele! Cherish that sweet husband of yours. It wasn’t until Rob got really sick, that I truly learned to cherish him.

  2. Yes, after 18 years of marriage, I’m just learning he cannot read my mind. Ugh. Focused words. Honest and true. I’m working on it! Thanks, Micah. :-)

    1. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could read our minds! It takes time doesn’t it! Whew! Keep working on it along with the rest of us! :)

  3. Hi Micah! Life isn’t always like the movies…so true!! I think the entertainment industry gives us an altered view of what life is really like sometimes:) Marriage takes a daily commitment and effort, but it’s so worth it! Great post today!

    1. It truly is worth the effort, isn’t it! And you’re right, it is daily! Great to see you here, Kristine! I love what you are doing with sharing your story about self-publishing! Great way to use your experience and knowledge! Keep going girl!

  4. As someone newly married I’m almost shy to give this list to my husband, but your reminder that he would appreciate knowing instead of having to guess is helpful! – Your neighbor at R & R

    1. I totally understand! For you, it might not be time for the list, but I promise the clearer you communicate with him, the better. He would rather you say, “I like it when you…” Rather than silently stay irritated or say something like, “I really wish you understood me better.” When you say what you need rather than beating around the bush it’s best for everyone, even though it might feel awkward at first. Marriage is so beautiful! Congratulations on the beginning of this wonderful journey. Best wishes!

  5. I totally agree with Kristine! The entertainment industry sets us and our husbands up for disappointment. Thanks for the encouragment to say what I need!

    1. It’s crazy isn’t it?! It all comes down to expectations and communication. Both of those are hard to iron out.

  6. I think men often feel like our issues are some how their fault… even when they aren’t. So sometimes it’s hard to say “I need something from you that I’m not getting” because in their minds, it’s just another way they feel like they are not measuring up. but that’s why we have to work very hard at communicating and helping them know that we are grateful for them in our lives. thanks for this list!

    1. We are so good at playing the blame game aren’t we. Like it’s three fault when we are moody, having a bad day, or just plain irritable. Communicating is so important. And yes! Letting them know how thankful we are for them is soooo very important. I think this list can work both ways, don’t you think?

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