31 Days of Prayer – Week 2

31 Days of Prayer - Week 2 Final Picture

I want to know that my prayers are going farther than my voice can reach. I want to know that even my faintest thoughts of hope and desires for peace are heard and cared for. I want to know that the prayers I think and utter are rising much farther than my living room ceiling.

We all have moments, days, even weeks that our hearts are burdened with things that we cannot control. It’s in these moments that we are often reminded to pray and to lift our burdens up to God. We desire relief. We want an answer or a sign. When no answer comes, it’s discouraging and disheartening.

It’s in my moments of weakness and heartache that the deepest part of my soul cries out for help, but my human mind cannot always put words to my desires. I want to pray and I need to, but I do not always know what to say.

What is a person supposed to do when their prayers seem to drop like stagnant dust on the living room floor? Should we holler out in anguish? Cry out in pain? Evaluate our method of prayer and try to fix the way we kneel or the words we say? Maybe we haven’t quite mastered the art.

Our minds deceive us. We begin to doubt. We think God is not listening, He does not care, or He must have something else more important that is drawing His attention away from our needs.

Nothing is farther from the TRUTH. God does hear. God does care. God does know every detail.

When your prayers seem like they are being swept under the couch to rest in peace with the rest of the dust bunnies, keep praying. You don’t have to practice and try to get it exactly right. No one is grading or evaluating your prayers. Just pray.

It is not so much how you pray, but if you pray.

If you feel like your prayers not going beyond the ceiling, let me encourage you…KEEP PRAYING.

…Lord, teach us to pray…Luke 11:1

To get this week’s Prayer Guide click here: 31 Days of Prayer – Week 2

If you missed it here is 31 Days of Prayer – Week 1.

Don’t forget, take it one prayer at a time and DO NOT check off your list. Prayer is much more than another thing to add to your “To-Do” list.

If you know someone who could benefit from this, please LIKE and SHARE! If you used the calendar last week or are planning to jump in this week please comment and let me know how it went! I would love to hear how you are using it!

Love & Blessings,


About Micah Maddox

Page with Comments

  1. What a great post! Thank you for the encouragement! I would love for you to share this over at my new link party Making Memories Mondays going on now!
    Cathy@ three kids and a fish

    1. Thanks Cathy! I added my link and look forward to joining you again next week! Thanks for the invitation! Love & Blessings!

  2. I’m visiting you from Kelly’s place today, Micah. May the Lord bless and use this series to encourage more prayer! This encouraged me: “When your prayers seem like they are being swept under the couch to rest in peace with the rest of the dust bunnies, keep praying.” :-)

    1. Hey Betsy, Thanks for coming by again! Those dust bunnies intimidate me sometimes. I am so thankful that God hears even my faintest whisper, even no words at all. Love & Blessings! Praying on! Keep writing girl, you encourage me! Loved your spring post today!

  3. “It’s not so much how you pray, but if you pray.” Amen to that! I think we often believe that our prayers have to be eloquent or wordy but that couldn’t be further from the truth. I recently read Max Lucado’s Before Amen and it helped me so much in this area. Such a good word here today, Micah. Thank you for sharing. -Abby (visiting from #RaRaLinkup)

  4. Micah, I’m really loving your prayer series! I’ve been looking forward to your post each week. Your words have greatly blessed my heart! Infinite blessings to you, Love! :-)

    #RaRaLinkup ;-)

  5. It’s so true Micah. I had a season of prayer like never before last year when I trained for my triathlon. It changed the way I pray forever. I also learned that sometimes when it seems like God doesn’t hear us, He is always working while we wait. I want His timing over mine everyday, all day long! Thank you for creating this prayer series too. Beautiful and I plan to share in my small group and with my daughters. God bless you girl and I’m so glad I found you. #coffeeforyourheart

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