31 Days of Prayer – Week 3

God is into details.

I’ll never forget the moment in college when I knew God heard my prayer and answered me. It felt amazing! The God of the universe reached down into my tiny world and answered my prayer.

I knew God answered prayer. I heard all my life about God doing amazing things and even saw it in my own family. But when I experienced it for myself, on my own, away from my family and the comforts of home, I knew in that moment, God truly cared about me.

It was not a big prayer, but the answer was so specific. I felt like God was shining directly on me.

Money was tight. I was working my way through college in hopes of graduating with my degree in Elementary Education. I needed a red pen to be able to practice grading papers in my Tests and Measurements class. I dug through all of my supplies knowing I did not have a red pen or enough spare change to buy one. I sent up a quick prayer,

“God, you know I need a red pen.”

I entered the classroom and saw my peers with red pens in hand ready to go. I slid into my seat thinking maybe the girl next to me would share. I could hope.

The professor began class with a game. I love a friendly competition. I jumped in and gave it my all. As she asked the last question I popped from my seat and gave the answer. I won!

The teacher handed me a simple gift box as a reward. I quickly untied the ribbon and tore away the paper. As I opened the box I could hardly believe my eyes.

A nice supply of teaching aids filled the box. Right in the middle of all the goodies was a brand new red pen!

God knew exactly what I needed. He provided in a way that I could not have orchestrated, manipulated or imagined. He spoke to my doubting heart and made Himself evident and alive to me.

This was a turning point in my life – the red pen.

God cares about the little details.

God cares about you.

What is your specific need? Just say it. Talk to God. Ask Him.

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3

Specific prayers get specific answers. Even the ones that we let barely slip from our lips.

As you pray more specifically, here is this week’s Prayer Guide: 31 Days of Prayer – Week 3

If you missed the first 2 weeks of “31 Days of Prayer” you can get them by clicking the links below.

31 Days of Prayer – Week 1
31 Days of Prayer – Week 2

Remember, DO NOT check off the list, prayer is much more than another thing to add to your “To-do” list.

If you have used the calendar or are planning to join us, please LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT so others can join in too!

Love & Blessings,


About Micah Maddox

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  1. Beautiful thoughts on prayer! It isn’t a one shot deal but a deepening of our relationship with God and praying is so essential to who we are and how we approach our days. Thank you for this reminder today. Blessings!
    BTW- Did you become a teacher? I am an elementary teacher who will retire in June! :)

    1. Mary, thank you for your sweet words. Yes, a constant relationship…. Yes, I’m a teacher. I have taught in a traditional school, but am homeschooling currently :). Congrats on your retirement this year!! Woo hoo!!

    1. Tai, as always thank you for stopping by and passing my post on to your friends! Thankful that you were encouraged! Much love, girl!

    1. Mandy, it’s something I have to remind myself constantly. God is with us. He hears. Much love & blessings to you!

  2. You’re always an encouragement Micah. I know God hears and answers prayers. I’m not always sure I know when he has answered mine or maybe it wasn’t the answer I was looking for.

    1. Janet, keep praying. Pray specifically. I’ve learned sometimes the answers take longer than I want and they often don’t play out like I imagine. Lean in close and wait patiently. Keep praying. God is hearing you. He wants you to hear Him.

  3. When I was younger (alreadylegally adult, though) I was living by myself in Finland while my parents where missionaries in Ecuador. I really didn’t have much money, I wasn’t working, I had injured my anckle, couldn’t walk and was feeling quite alone.
    At Christmas I had bought my parents and little siblings presents but didn’t have the money to send the package when a really nice lady working in the post office told me not to worry but that I could pay later on. It was such a magnificent present!
    Then I got a call from a lady from our church telling me that they wanted to donate me some traditional Christmas food because they had done too much for the church’s Christmas dinner. And when I went to buy some necessary things (like toilet paper) that was all that I had money to buy from the store, another lady from the church found me, gave me about hundred dollars and told me God had told her to give them to me.
    It was an amazing Christmas. I always remember the way I could feel God taking care of me, and feel encouraged by it. I’m a missionary here in Ecuador now myself and there are moments when I pray God that I want to be in His hands in the same way again. Not depending on anything else but on Him!

    1. Joanna, amen! Thank you for sharing a bit of your story. May we never forget His voice and blessings! Thankful to connect with you!

  4. Wonderful post, Micah! Something I will remember and think about…”God is into details…” Thanks for encouraging us through #RaRaLinkup today!

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