3 Ways to Find Peace

3 Ways to Find Peace

There is something inside each of us that yearns for peace. We look for it in a spa, a beach vacation, a mountain getaway, or a moment of solitude. With the noise of social media and tumultuous news bombarding our lives, it’s easy to see why we struggle so much. 

What we truly want is for everyone to join hands, link arms, and share experiences in a world where peace reigns and calmness overshadows the chaos. But what we get is a jam-packed life of unknowns, uncertainty, and conflict that can’t seem to be resolved.

How do we really find peace in this culture of craziness?

It would be easy for me to give you a 5-step plan of physical peace. It would look something like, get alone, be alone, stay alone, breathe deeply, and rest.

Doesn’t that sound lovely? A day to simply breathe and rest is something we could all use each week. But life doesn’t usually allow for such calmness.

Here, in this time we live in, we must take action to find the peace we so deeply desire. 

Slow down.

I know it’s so hard to slow down when the to-do list is a mile long. There really isn’t enough time in a day to get it all done. There’s laundry, and cooking, and cleaning, and working, and loving, and running, and…we want to slow down, but we don’t know how. Meals have to be prepared. Clothes have to be washed. Baths have to given and taken. And work, it’s necessary to survive.

So how do we really slow down enough to find peace? We must learn to pause in the midst of the crazy and make time for God. It sounds terrible when we say it out loud, but the truth is, we don’t make time for God so we don’t understand the peace He offers us. 

woman wearing hat

When we finally slow down, and realize the fast track we live on isn’t the way to peace, we will finally take the first step in the right direction. 

Dive into God’s Word. 

There are thousands of free resources out there that will show you the simple steps of how to study the Bible. You can pin them on Pinterest, like them on Facebook, and give them a heart on Instagram, but God’s Word is more powerful than the click of a thumbs up. Scrolling social media doesn’t bring us peace. If often delivers the opposite. It makes us question our adequacy as women, wives, lovers, teachers, house keepers, friends, moms, students, and people. Yet, something keeps us scrolling.

I’m convicted lately to stop my scrolling and open the old scroll. God’s Word doesn’t require a Bible study tool or another man’s interpretation. Don’t get me wrong. Tools, methods, and help guides are useful, but when we displace God’s Word with man’s, we are missing out on experiencing the peace that God offers to us personally through His Word. Just like I can open the Word of God and see God reveal truth to me, you can too. Peace isn’t something only Bible teachers and preachers know how to obtain.

Peace comes when I open my heart to the truth and trust that God is going to give me exactly what I need.

Sit in God’s presence.

God’s presence is something that is hard to talk about out loud. It might sounds too spiritual to some. It’s might even scare some people away. But here is what I am learning about peace. When I slow down and make time for God, and I open the pages of scripture, I begin to realize where real peace comes from. As the Holy Spirit pricks my heart, comforts my soul, and transforms my perspective through the Word of God, I begin to recognize God’s presence in my life. And that’s when I find peace, real peace. 

So rather than a day at the spa or a vacation on a secluded beach, reach for the Bible and open it wide. But don’t rush it. Slow down and bask in His presence. Let the Son radiate through to your heart and receive the peace you’ve been longing for. 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 (ESV)

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox

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  1. Thank You Lord for the message You set on Your beloved daughter Micah’s heart and compelled her to share through this post

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