
I can still smell the warm apple pie, fresh fudge, Italian cream cake and other goodies that my grandmother whipped up just for us. She had the softest apron and could cook everything better than anybody. There was just something about going to Grandma’s house. The smells stick with me to this day and if I get a whiff of something that reminds me of her, my heart longs to see her unforgettable face. And oh could she make some faces that would send everyone around into spontaneous laughter.

As she got older she began experiencing mini strokes and was not able to live alone. She moved in with us and spent the rest of her life in our home. The best part about this was that I got to spend morning after morning at the breakfast table just listening to her talk. I always loved what came out of her mouth and I tucked it away in my heart.

Almost everyday she would say,

“Micah, Don’t worry about me. I know where I’m going when I die.” Before I could say anything she would continue, “Don’t cry at my funeral, I’ll be a lot better off. It’s terrible getting old. Everything hurts, everything. It’s pitiful, just pitiful. One day at a time, Sweet Jesus. One day at a time.”

As I came back each morning I knew I would get the same speech over again, but there was something endearing about it. I never thought, here she goes again, or I know, I know, pitiful, just pitiful. I loved hearing about her hope in Heaven. I often had to hold back the tears as she spoke about going on to be with her Lord. I knew the Lord too, but I was not ready for her to leave this earth. I loved spending time with her, time that I knew would soon be past. I got married, moved out and quickly those precious moments where a memory that I cherished.

From then on, each time I saw her I wondered if it would be our last time together. She was special to me. Losing someone you love is so difficult. I don’t know if anything can really prepare you for the moment of loss. But one thing I do know is where she is now. I heard her say over and over that she knew that she was going to Heaven when she died because she knew Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. She loved Him and had no trouble talking about Him. As I sat there at breakfast each day it’s as if Grandma was an angel speaking to my trembling heart,

“Don’t be afraid, I’m going to be with Jesus. I won’t hurt anymore, and I won’t have any more strokes. There, there, Micah, don’t cry. I’m in a much better place. Take life one day at a time. One day at a time with Jesus, one day at a time.”

Let not your hearts be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if I were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:1-3

If Grandma could tell us one more thing, I’m sure she would say with a wink and a point, “One day at a time, Sweet Jesus. One day at a time.”

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6

I am thankful for my faithful grandmother. She loved Jesus, trusted Him, and made sure to tell me about it every chance she got. It’s because of her that I have been able to say with confidence, “One day at a time, Sweet Jesus. One day at a time.”

Heaven is getting sweeter every day. If you have a loved one in Heaven who has left a lasting impression on your life, honor them here by sharing your favorite memory. You never know how it could comfort, encourage or inspire others to live their lives for the glory of God’s Kingdom.

Share a little piece of Heaven with us…click the comment button below or comment on Facebook.

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox

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  1. Thank you Micah!! This is such a blessing to read, as those you love are experiencing loss. Sitting at my brotherinlaw’s moms funeral on Saturday, seeing them hurt, and myself hurting for them….. HEAVEN, all of the sudden, becomes so much more real, so much more of a blessed thought and promise!

    1. Sarah, I’m so thankful for Heaven. Your sweet family has constantly been in my thoughts and prayers this week. Love you!

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