How to Move Forward in Faith

Sometimes it’s hard to know how to move forward in faith. 

Fear paralyzes faith. Faith gives you strength to move when you feel paralyzed. 

Unknown circumstances, unexpected trials, and sudden tragedies put us in positions that make us face our faith. They put us face to face with our fears and force us to choose faith or fear. But how do we make the right choice? What is the secret that make us choose faith over fear? 

  1. Choose faith first 

Choosing faith isn’t about ignoring reality or pretending away our problems. It’s about walking right up to the fear and facing it with God. The key is knowing who is with you always. It’s so easy to forget and feel all alone when life knocks the wind right out of you. But God isn’t leaving. He is here with you. So face that fear with faith first.

  1. When you feel weary and worn out, put your faith in God’s hands.

It can feel exhausting to keep going in the midst of life’s hardships. For someone to tell you to pray or read or your Bible more, might make you feel angry. Sometimes it’s a chore to even get out of bed and face another day. The key to facing fear with faith, is knowing who is holding your both your faith and your fear. God. God is the power in you that gives you faith and God is the power in you that fights your fear. So rather than feeling like you need to fight, let God do the fighting. When our faith rests in Him and what He can do, our fear is put to rest. 

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox

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  1. I’m going through a difficult time right now and need a push something to get me moving. I have allowed fear to paralyze me. I find it difficult to cast all my cares on the Lord and trust Him. I’m praying but do not seem to hear from God.

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