More of God’s Presence – Week 3 – Still Waters

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More of God’s Presence – Week 3 – Still Waters

Welcome to Week 3 of our series More of God’s Presence! This week we are discussing “still waters”. I would love to hear your thoughts on this part of Psalm 23! If you missed the first two weeks you can find them here: Week 1 Week 2 Still Waters by Micah Maddox I close my eyes and try to rest. I replay the day, each trial, each test. The thoughts of mistakes, the things I said, The moments I longed to just go to bed. I want to be the best version of me. No matter how hard I try,

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Dealing With Past Pain

When tragedy, trial, or trauma invades a child’s life at the most tender of ages, it is destined to leave a mark. Some people hope that their loved ones will never have to experience the same things they have. For others, the only life they know is warped, complicated, and abusive. Unfortunately, in many cases, generational sin continues with more abuse, anger, and outrageous behavior. But thankfully, there are some who have escaped the cycle of sin in spite of the life they coped with as a little one. My childhood did include wonderful memories, but it also included rejection

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Silent Stealers of Joy: Good Intentions & Guilt

After a long day of mothering, wife-ing, friending, loving, helping, caring, cooking, cleaning, shopping and everything else-ing, I snuggle into my bed and the thoughts of what I should have done differently begin. My thoughts parade through my mind like a slide show highlighting the little things I forgot to do or say. I think of how I should have answered my friend differently or stopped what I was doing to make that needed phone call. I remember the way I rushed my husband out the door so that I would have more time, only to kick myself when I

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Sin Hurts – Healing is Optional

The devil is strong, deceitful and on a divisive rampage to destroy. He wants desperately to rip families apart, destroy security, make everything normal seem ridiculous and invade a seemingly happy home, turning it into a place of pain and sin. Sin and pain walk together. There’s no separating them. When sin comes from within your own heart or home it leaves scars, pain, guilt and a slew of baggage. Sin hurts. How does a soul move forward following sin in their own heart or home? 1. Forgiveness – Ask for it. Give it. He will again have compassion on

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The Bravest Thing

It’s sometimes the obvious things that are the most difficult. It’s obvious that we need to confess our sins and turn from them, but it’s much more difficult to actually take that step. Sometimes it’s comfortable to stay put. The guilt becomes the norm and the struggle seemingly fades away. The sin that consumes your life looks normal and you are surrounded by other people engaging in the same stuff. You can go on for a while, pressing down conviction and the knowledge of right and wrong. After all, everyone is doing it. At some point you are faced with

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Mercy, More Than a Game

I was a child when I first cried out for mercy. I turned face to face with my brother. We intertwined our fingers, grasped tightly with both hands and in unison chanted, “On your mark. Get set. Go!” The war began. We both had one goal in mind to squeeze, twist and turn the others hands and wrist hard enough for the other to holler out in pain the word, “Mercy!” As soon as the word was spoken, the game was over. The one who spoke the word lost. We played repeatedly. The game would start out fun with much

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