7 Psalms for the Depressed Woman

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7 Psalms for the Depressed Woman

Two years ago, I shared a series titled, “Hope for the Depressed Woman.” I received an overwhelming amount of messages and comments about the series. I am posting the links below for easy access, but also I have a special gift I want to offer you. It’s a short collection of my favorite Psalms that I know will encourage your heart if you are walking through a difficult season. All you have to do is enter your email below. If you are already subscribed, you will receive the gift in your inbox, so no need to enter your email again.

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Problems, Problems Go Away!

Problems, Problems Go Away!

When it rains, it pours! Especially when it comes to problems in life. It never fails. Just as soon as one thing goes wrong, a series of difficult circumstances seem to follow. Ever been there? Why is it that problems always seem to come in sets of three? Strike 1! Strike 2! And by the time strike 3 hits, you’re already walking to the dugout. Sometimes I brace myself and think, “What’s going to happen next?” Or just when I think I can’t take one more thing…boom! The roof caves in. It’s just the way life goes. We all have

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When It Still Hurts

I pull the covers up over my head and close my eyes tightly. My mind embraces a new day, but my heart rejects the new tomorrow because I know the things that made my heart feel heavy yesterday are still there. I can still feel the heaviness, the worry, the waiting for things to work out. The things unknown cause anxiety. Questions and heartaches from a fresh new wave of trials make us want to go to sleep and dream again of a better tomorrow. A day when life is good again and our hearts don’t hurt so much. But

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When Life is Overwhelming and Strength is Gone

Sometimes the struggles of life take us under and sweep us away into unknown depths we have never experienced. You want to be strong, have faith, and smile through the storm, but tears, unknowns, and difficult scenarios bombard your mind faster than your faith can respond. We all have those seasons. For some it’s the loss of a loved one who seemed to hold the family together, for others it’s separation in a relationship that has held on for years. Perhaps it’s the words of a doctor that swirl inside your heart until you cannot handle another word. When life

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Pray for Cyrus

Sometimes things in life happen that we cannot understand. When illness hits, it can be heartbreaking and terrifying all in the same moment. We try to be strong, press on, and make the best of the life that lies before us, but sometimes life seems to be put on hold while we wait for test results, reactions to medications and the doctor’s short-term and long-term plans. A dear friend of mine recently received the difficult news that her precious five-year-old son has Leukemia. Immediately the things in life that seemed big now look very small. The problems that filled our

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10 Things TO SAY to a Depressed Woman

We have been talking about depression for a few weeks. If you missed it, here are some posts in the series Hope For the Depressed Woman that you might like: 10 Things NOT to Say to a Depressed Woman Week 1: Slow Down Week 2: Breaking the Silence Week 3: Medication or Meditation Week 4: Triggers and Tips for Success Week 5: Running Away Sounds Divine 1. I’m here. Say it tenderly and mean it. Then be there. 2. I care about you. Say it and show it. 3. I love you. Mean it and act on it. 4. I

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