Why Worry?

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Why Worry?

Worry is not desirable, yet I often choose it, even fight for it. I actually despise the feeling I get deep in my gut when something is disturbing my normal. It’s hard to articulate exactly what ignites this feeling. Sometimes it only takes a word, a sight, a smell or a sound to bring up memories of past problems that make me feel physically ill. The feelings of worry are familiar. I don’t want to feel this way, but I don’t know how to escape. If I could break free from worry I would feel so much better. The weight

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Scar Face & Combat Boots

As he pushed my husband on a gurney through the dark outdoor paths of the old hospital, transferring his sick body from one place to another, I followed closely behind. Looking around, all I could see was concrete and alleys everywhere. There was no one is sight. I had no idea where we were or where we were headed. Like an out of body experience I watched myself take each step praying for healing and comfort with every breath. Behind me was another man, a paramedic, who looked a bit scary. I can still hear the sound of his huge

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Happy? New Year!

The New Year is on the horizon. New health routines, eating regiments, and exercise plans might already be on your to do list for January 1. Along with a new year comes the idea of a fresh start, a renewed perspective and a desire to make the coming year better than the one gone by. If you are anything like me, you’ll make your list, plan how to execute it and hope and pray for the best year ever. After a year of health issues and hospitals I was determined to make 2014 better than 2013.  As we rang in

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On the Side of the Bed

When I step foot into a hospital to visit a friend or a loved one, my mind is flooded with memories of days and nights that I spent on the side of the bed.  As I watched my husband go through days and nights of tests, scans, procedures and evaluation, my heart was wrecked with desires to fix whatever was broken.  If they could just find what was wrong, then they could make him better, but as the days passed we were told there was nothing they could do.  There’s a few things I learned during those long days and

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