Conquering Comparison

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Conquering Comparison

I am so excited to have my friend Kristine Brown guest posting on the blog today! I know you will be encouraged by the message in her new book! My battle began with a glance at an insecure teenager in the mirror in front of me. I didn’t just see myself, however. I saw other reflections as well. The girl sitting to my right and the one sitting to my left had something special. And whatever it was, I wanted it. In an instant, whispers of doubt found an open door and let themselves into my heart where they would

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School Year Prayers From a Mama’s Heart – April

Wisdom doesn’t come natural. It’s not something you can give to your child on their tenth birthday and expect them to cherish it, treasure it, and keep it forever. It’s a day by day, moment by moment process. The hard part is that children have to learn wisdom for themselves. Although I would love to impart every ounce of wisdom I contain into my children, wisdom in itself does not come from me. Wisdom only comes from God. I can manipulate, coerce, and train my children certain nuances about wise decision making, but real wisdom will only be attained if

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School Year Prayers from a Mama’s Heart – February

Love is difficult to define to a child or anyone really. While the world sells love in red lipstick, smooth skin, an hour-glass figure, and luscious eye lashes, we know real love has nothing to do with appearance or performance. Although we know this in our minds, sometimes our actions speak otherwise. We praise our children for great performances. We post the highlights of their accomplishments and we rally behind them as they do well in school, sports, and other activities. There is nothing wrong with cheering on our kids. I think it’s necessary and even appropriate. But if we

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School Year Prayers from a Mama’s Heart – January

With every new beginning is the excitement of new possibilities, new opportunities, and a fresh start. As we pack lunches with our new way of clean eating, zip up the backpacks the night before because we are determined to make this year the year that mornings are not chaotic, and actually remember to put dinner in the crockpot before we walk out the door, let’s remember to sincerely pray for the hearts of the people under our roof. There are lots of lists to prepare, charts to post and meal plans to execute, but all of these are useless if

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Mommy Moments Link Up

Welcome to Mommy Moments Link Up! I’m so glad you are here! Please link up your encouraging or inspiring post below! I look forward to seeing what you are writing about this week! Encourage another blogger by leaving a comment for them! Love & Blessings, Micah Welcome to Mommy Moments! We hope you all had a week filled with wonderful memories!  I have enjoyed getting to know all the new mamas linking up and sharing their lives with us! I can’t wait to hear more from you all again this week! Motherhood has its seriousness and frustration as well as

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School Year Prayers From A Mama’s Heart – December

We are almost halfway through the school year! Can you believe it? Time is flying by faster than ever! If you have missed this series, I think you will really enjoy the verses and specific focus for each month. It helps me to constantly remember that my children’s hearts are being formed day by day. The way we pray for them, influence them, and train them is such a vital part of their development. I have plenty of days that I mess up, feel overwhelmed and forfeit my “perfect mom” card, but there’s one thing we can all do that

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