What Children Really Need

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What Children Really Need

There are moments of motherhood that are difficult. Life gets busy and the family suffers. We hurry, rush and snap at each other and wonder why everyone is so irritable. And he took a child and put him in the midst of them, and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” Mark 9:36-37(ESV) Then there are other moments. Sweet mama moments, when it feels like a little slice of heaven is looking right into my eyes.

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Cultivating Calmness: Turn Down the Noise of Life

There is something relaxing about the sound of God’s creation reacting to the ebbs and flows of nature. I enjoy the enchanting sound of birds chirping, rain falling on the roof and leaves as they rustle in the cool breeze of fall. Too often life seems to drowned out the simple sounds that God created. The noise of life bombards our lives and it takes major effort to lower the volume of life. How do we turn down the volume of life when life does not slow down, shut down or stop? Here are a few simple ideas. 1. Limit

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Sin Hurts – Healing is Optional

The devil is strong, deceitful and on a divisive rampage to destroy. He wants desperately to rip families apart, destroy security, make everything normal seem ridiculous and invade a seemingly happy home, turning it into a place of pain and sin. Sin and pain walk together. There’s no separating them. When sin comes from within your own heart or home it leaves scars, pain, guilt and a slew of baggage. Sin hurts. How does a soul move forward following sin in their own heart or home? 1. Forgiveness – Ask for it. Give it. He will again have compassion on

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What If I Feel Like Running Away?

What If I Feel Like Running Away?

Struggles seep in and the pressures of life weigh me down into the deep end of the pool until I can’t tread water anymore. Running away, taking a different course or road seems like the only way out. I am faced with a choice. Choose to run or choose to believe God is with me in the deep water. That is when we have to realize God is there. He is with me in the deep end. He knows my struggles. He knows your struggles too. If I would allow God to be my lifeline at all times I would

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Childlike Love

Love.  Everyone wants to be loved.  I often challenge my children to find the good in each other and express their love for one another through words and actions.  One morning we began with the simple challenge, “Tell us why you love each member of our family.” As my turn came to receive the love, each child chimed in with their replies about me, Mom.  The first one hit me in the deepest part of my heart and helped me remember how important my role as “mom” is in their precious little lives.  In her sweet, little voice she said, “Mom, I

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Forgiveness Brings FREEDOM

All relationships come with some sort of expectations. When those expectations are not fulfilled the results can be traumatic. We have all experienced being hurt by someone we love. I lived unaccepted by my birth father for years. I was bitter, felt unloved, betrayed, and abandoned. I still cry over it sometimes. It hurts. While my situation may not be the same as yours, the healing process might compare. If you are hurting by skeletons of your past or a relationship that did not meet your expectations, keep reading. Baby steps toward healing your broken, hurting heart: 1. Realize your

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