Clarify Your Calling – Week 2

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Clarify Your Calling – Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of Clarify Your Calling! Have you ever felt like God is telling you to do something big for Him, yet you feel unqualified and inadequate to complete the task? As I struggle with my own call as a writer, I often think, “I’m not cut out for this”. If I had a degree in journalism, knew every grammar rule including the ones that I can’t pronounce, and could throw together a piece of writing without dependence on God’s strength, wisdom, and clarity, I would be doing everything in my own power. Without God, it’s not a

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Clarify Your Calling – Week 1

I was a little girl when I first heard God call me by name. It wasn’t an audible voice, but it was a heart thumping conviction that consumed my mind until I had to kneel and confess my need for a Savior. No matter the age, when God calls His child, it’s a unique experience for the one who is called. I can’t tell you exactly how it happened, or precisely how it felt. I can’t describe the words that entered my mind or the way I was compelled to surrender. But I can tell you this – Jesus called

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What America Really Needs

As our country weeps with blood, with tears, with fear of the next tragedy, we are called to do what only Christians can do – pray and love. There’s a history in this nation from which all of our turmoil is rooted. We must remember this is nothing new. The color of the skin has been a long time issue that ought not be, but is. The struggle of sexual sin goes back to the Bible times. It’s not a new trend, or the way our world is headed these days. It is who people become without the love of

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When Life is Changing

When Life is Changing

The wood beneath my feet was unfamiliar and the length between each step was new. Hoping not to wake the children, I tiptoed carefully listening for how the house might creak. I reached the final step and made my way to the living room. There was a familiar comfort of the furniture that had been with me for the past ten years. I sunk down deep into my cold brown leather chair and took a deep breath. I looked around and embraced the new and unfamiliar. Seasons come and seasons go. It seems easy when we consider seasons in terms

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For the Tired Mom

Let’s just admit it. We all have our moments. Motherhood brings joy like nothing else on planet earth, but along with the cooing and cuddles comes tantrums and night terrors. As the little dumplings grow, there’s back talk, eye rolling, and the occasional huff and puff that has to be wrangled and set on the right path. It’s hard work being a mom. Truly, it’s exhausting! I’ll be the first to confess I take perfectly normal days and make complete motherhood messes that I would rather forget. I start out with really good intentions. I get up early, drink enough

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5 Things Your Depressed Friend Wants You To Know

Depression affects millions of women every year and women are twice as likely as men to get depressed. If you know someone who you think might be depressed or is going through a rough season of life, encourage them. You never know how your simple act of kindness will impact them. Women who are depressed often feel lonely and isolated like they are the only one dealing with depression. According to statistics, depressed women are all around us. They sit at the park, go to the grocery store, fill our church pews, serve in leadership, and teach our children. I’ve

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