Mom, Stay a Little Longer

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Mom, Stay a Little Longer

The sink is overflowing with dishes and the floor is speckled with crumbs, but it’s time for dinner again. The easiest option is soup, so I stir and let it simmer until it’s ready. I reach in the drawer for spoons and open the cabinet for bowls, but I see the empty space where the spoons go and the blank shelf where the bowls normally reside. I need to wash the dishes. They pile up so quickly. Faster than I can keep up. Isn’t that the way life happens sometimes? And then we go to reach for what we need

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When Life is Overwhelming and Strength is Gone

Sometimes the struggles of life take us under and sweep us away into unknown depths we have never experienced. You want to be strong, have faith, and smile through the storm, but tears, unknowns, and difficult scenarios bombard your mind faster than your faith can respond. We all have those seasons. For some it’s the loss of a loved one who seemed to hold the family together, for others it’s separation in a relationship that has held on for years. Perhaps it’s the words of a doctor that swirl inside your heart until you cannot handle another word. When life

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When Life Changes With One Word – Cancer

When I looked at the September calendar every week was filled to the brim with events and activities. I braced myself for a busy month and stood at the starting line ready to run. Before the first week came to an end, my plans were altered, my heart was heavy, and everything normal had to be set aside. When I got the call that confirmed my dad’s cancer, the weight of every letter of that word pounded deeply within my chest with a huge question mark at the end. C-A-N-C-E-R-? My heart hurt. My stomach churned and I immediately felt

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Clarify Your Calling – Week 5

Welcome to Week 5 of Clarify Your Calling! I am so glad you are here! This might be my favorite week yet! If you missed the other posts in this series, you can find them here: Week 1: You Are Called Week 2: Don’t Pursue Your Passion, Pursue God’s Plan Week 3: The Next Step Week 4: Finding Confidence In My Calling And now for WEEK 5: What Will They Think of Me? I let her words play over and over in my mind. “You are too young to do that.” I began thinking maybe I was too young. Maybe

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Clarify Your Calling – Week 4

Welcome to Week 4 of Clarify Your Calling! I’m so glad you are here! If you missed the other posts in this series you can find them here: Week 1: You Are Called Week 2: Don’t Pursue Your Passion, Pursue God’s Plan Week 3: The Next Step I tucked my legs beneath the wooden school desk and crossed my ankles as the teacher announced our grades in front of the entire class. I loved school, but something about this part made me squirm. Knowing I would get a good grade, but not the best grade made me question if I

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Clarify Your Calling – Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of Clarify Your Calling! If you are just now joining us check out the other posts in this series: Week 1: God Is Calling You Week 2: Don’t Pursue Your Passion, Pursue God’s Plan It’s easy to get my heart fixed on a goal, a desire…a big dream. I plan, prepare, learn, and do all I can to reach the destination of the ultimate place of success. For me, it’s a desire to help people who hurt – the ones who feel like they don’t have a place to voice their pain. It’s to embrace the

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