When God Feels Distant

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When God Feels Distant

When God Feels Distant I knelt in my living room in frustration thinking that maybe my physical posture would prove to God that I was serious. I knew He answered prayer, so I prayed. But this time, He didn’t seem to answer my request. Over and over I begged Him; over and over I got the same response – silence. God began to feel distant and unreachable. Have you ever been there? You know God is real. You’ve even sensed His presence and experienced His power through answered prayer and life change, but in this moment He feels like a

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What is Holding You Back?

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25 It was clear. I heard God’s voice. I knew I should take the next step, but I was afraid. Fear cripples me and tells me lies. Fear pins me to the floor and says things like: You are not capable. You will never succeed. It is too difficult. People will laugh at you. There are others more qualified. The task is too big for you. Your strength will fail. It does not make sense. I stand face to face with

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7 Psalms for the Depressed Woman

Two years ago, I shared a series titled, “Hope for the Depressed Woman.” I received an overwhelming amount of messages and comments about the series. I am posting the links below for easy access, but also I have a special gift I want to offer you. It’s a short collection of my favorite Psalms that I know will encourage your heart if you are walking through a difficult season. All you have to do is enter your email below. If you are already subscribed, you will receive the gift in your inbox, so no need to enter your email again.

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Calling All Perfectionists

Living With Purpose: Week 8 Sometimes we wait for the circumstances to be perfect before we take a leap of faith. I’m not a good waiter. I like things to happen fast. Once I get my mind made up, I like to make an action plan and leap with all my might. Sometimes it’s good. It means I act in faith and let God work out the details as I go. Other times, it’s complete foolishness. I jump ahead of God and get into deep water that I cannot navigate on my own, and then I wonder why I feel

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Living With Purpose: Week 5

Week 1: Silent Seasons Week 2: Seasons of Blessings Week 3: Seasons to Stop Week 4: Seasons of Uncertainty And now for Week 5: Seasons When You Feel Shattered   As a teenage girl I knew what it felt like to feel shattered. On the first day of school, a boy who I really liked, asked me to go to the biggest event of the school year. One day after lunch, he asked if we could talk. Right there in the middle of the lunch room he ripped out my heart and told me we would have more fun with

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Living With Purpose: Week 4

Welcome to the series Living With Purpose in Every Season! If you missed the other posts in this series, you can find them here: Week 1: Silent Seasons Week 2: Seasons of Blessings Week 3: Seasons to Stop And now for WEEK 4: Seasons of Uncertainty   Some people just seem to know the direction for their life. For me, it is a constant learning curve. Just when I think I have it figured out, God seems to redirect me a different way. In some ways it’s exciting and other ways it brings frustration and a constant string of questions

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