When God Feels Distant

When God Feels Distant

I knelt in my living room in frustration thinking that maybe my physical posture would prove to God that I was serious. I knew He answered prayer, so I prayed. But this time, He didn’t seem to answer my request. Over and over I begged Him; over and over I got the same response – silence.

God began to feel distant and unreachable.

Have you ever been there? You know God is real. You’ve even sensed His presence and experienced His power through answered prayer and life change, but in this moment He feels like a long-distance friend who won’t answer your calls.

In these seasons of uncertainty, it’s easy to say the right thing. We know the Christian words and phrases, and we get good at telling people that we are just “waiting on God.”

But the truth is, waiting for an answer from Him is hard. Sometimes it hurts when our friends seem to have it easier than we do or when God appears to be pouring out blessings on everyone except us.

Life can be much harder than we like to admit.

We all see each other’s highlight moments. These moments are edited, controlled, and filtered for the viewing audience.

None of us see all of us. We see what each of us is willing to share.

In my book, Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World, I uncover a part of my life I would rather hide and pretend away. I reveal the hard truth about what real life can do, and how my problems have made me feel like God was beyond my grasp.

In sharing the hard parts of life, I hope you will know it’s okay to embrace those difficult moments of your own life. I hope in those moments and seasons when you feel like God is far away, you will know you aren’t the only one who has ever had those feelings or those thoughts. But more than that, I hope you will discover a new depth to the power of God.

My prayer is that through me sharing my journey to discover God’s power in the deepest problems of life, you will make your own discovery.

God’s power isn’t reserved for one or two, or a chosen few. It’s reserved for you!

If you’ve ever felt like God is far away, you will appreciate the authentic perspective of Anchored In.

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox