Bible Study Tips for Busy Women

Bible Study Tips for Busy Women

  1. Read the Bible 
  2. Pray

That’s it. Two things we know we should do, but we struggle to do. Life is full to the brim. When do we find time? 

I’m too busy is not a good excuse to stay away from God’s Word. Open it and receive what God has for you! His Word is where we find the messages He wants us to hear. He recorded them and preserved them all these years so we could be impacted and reminded of His goodness. 

If you are a busy woman, which I assume you are, simply open God’s Word and pray.

Here are a few Bible study tips for busy women:

  1. Choose a time of day when you are your best. I’m a morning person. My best and most productive hours of the day are the morning. I do my best writing, cleaning, and errands in the morning. Maybe you are more of a night owl. Find your best hours and include Bible time.

2. Let yourself listen to the Word on an app as you get ready, as you cook dinner, as you ride in your car. Find a time that works. I promise you have time. Check your phone and how long you scrolled Instagram or Facebook yesterday. You have time. We spend time on what we want to spend time on. 

3. Pray as you walk – as you ride – as you teach – as you clean – as you cook – as you do laundry – as you work – as you rest.

4. Don’t make excuses. Just do it. You will never regret time spent listening to God through His Word or speaking your soul to Him through prayer. 

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox