The Best Bible Reading Plan to Start Today

Early in the year there were countless Bible reading ideas circulating. Maybe you even picked one up and began to attempt a new method of Bible reading this year! Good for you! 

How is it going? Are you still going strong checking off those boxes every day? I hope you are. 

But, if life has taken you to a place where those boxes sit empty on a sheet of paper or an app you thought you would love isn’t cutting it anymore, it’s time to begin again. 

The best Bible Reading Plan to start today might be to steer away from a rigid plan. I know this goes against what you often hear. And for you, this might not be the best option. We are all wired differently. But for me, a Bible reading plan with boxes and check marks keeps me captive to a list of numbers and keeps me focused on completion rather than companionship with the Lord. 

When I stopped using a checklist, my relationship with God soared to new heights and new depths. In fact, often I found myself reading more than what a plan would tell me. Some days I would read one verse, while others I would dig in deep into theological study. The freedom of no checkbox gave room for the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart even if I only read a few verses that day. 

Here is the method I often use when reading the Bible that works well for me. Again, let me reiterate, this might not work for you. You might need the checklist, the boxes, the accountability of a pre-planned list. But, if that has not worked for you, let me encourage you to try this. 

The Best Bible Reading Plan to Start Today

  1. Open your Bible to Proverbs. 
  2. Read the chapter that corresponds with the day of the month. For example on March 10 read Proverbs 10
  3. As you begin to read, if God speaks to you through a verse, STOP! Read the verse again and open your journal. 
  4. Write the verse out in your journal. 
  5. Write what God is speaking to your heart. It might be a simple one word thought. It could be a paragraph of heartache or praise. Perhaps you have a prayer you want to pray because the verse encapsulates exactly what you’ve been asking God for. There is no wrong answer here. Just write as God speaks. Don’t worry if it’s long or short. 
  6. Pray. Sometimes I continue writing my prayers out. Other times I close my journal and pray aloud or in my heart. There is no wrong answer here either. 
  7. You did it! Tomorrow, repeat the process. If you make it through the entire book of Proverbs, you can either begin again through Proverbs or move to another book of the Bible. But continue the same process of reading until God speaks and STOP. Dwell on the verse and let God speak. 

This method of Bible Time is more about listening to God than checking a box on a sheet of paper. The one thing I hear most from women is that they just want to hear from God. This is an excellent way to learn how to listen to God’s voice. 

If you try it, I would love to hear from you! Send me a message and share a verse God used in your life. 

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox