
Hope for the Worn Out Mom

You know those moments in life when you really want to be nice, kind, and encouraging to the people nearest and dearest to you, but due to your level of exhaustion or the hormones that seem to be a bit unpredictable, you lash out?  No?  You don’t have those moments?  Me either.  Actually I have had many moments.  I start out with really good intentions. I get up early, drink enough coffee to give even the most exhausted elephant energy and I convince myself that I’m going to be upbeat, fun, and pleasant. By the time breakfast is on the

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When Life Feels Impossible

Have you ever felt like life is simply impossible? The things that are marching hard and loud into your life appear too big, too bad, and the hope of help feels out of reach. What do you do when life feels impossible? I’ve been there more times than I can count. But on one particular day the worry over my current battle wounded my heart. It felt like God wasn’t helping me. I stood in my bathroom crying tears of frustration for the third day in a row. I struggled in my mind if it was just hormonal or if my

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5 Ways to Understand & Help Your Depressed Friend

Since I’ve been there, I have a few ideas of what might help your depressed friend. Depression is never something we want to walk through, but it’s here among us and there is something we can do. I’d like to share 5 ways to understand and help your depressed friend. Here are a few ways to understand your friend a little better and offer her a little hope on the hard days. Knowing and expressing these thoughts will take it from, “I just don’t get it” to “I don’t get it, but I want to.” 5 Ways to Understand & Help

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When You Don’t See A Way Out

I looked at my phone and saw my happiest friend’s name pop up on the screen. She was my one friend I could count on for a good laugh. You know the laugh-until-you-cry kind of laughter that makes your stomach muscles hurt – this was that friend.  I answered, “Hey girl!”  The response on the other end immediately set off red flags in my brain. As I listened to her hold back the tears it was clear there was no specific thing that was affecting her emotions. She was feeling completely overwhelmed with motherhood. Her newborn baby was waking up

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5 Verses to Find Your Faith Again

I pulled the covers up over my head and closed my eyes tightly. My mind embraced a new day, but my heart rejected the new tomorrow because I knew the things that made my heart feel heavy yesterday were still there. I can still feel the heaviness, the worry, the waiting and wondering if things would work out. The unknown outcomes caused anxiety. Questions, and heartaches from a fresh new wave of trials make us want to go to sleep and dream of a better tomorrow. A day when life is good again and our hearts don’t hurt so much.

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What is Holding You Back?

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25 It was clear. I heard God’s voice. I knew I should take the next step, but I was afraid. Fear cripples me and tells me lies. Fear pins me to the floor and says things like: You are not capable. You will never succeed. It is too difficult. People will laugh at you. There are others more qualified. The task is too big for you. Your strength will fail. It does not make sense. I stand face to face with

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