Hope for the Worn Out Mom

You know those moments in life when you really want to be nice, kind, and encouraging to the people nearest and dearest to you, but due to your level of exhaustion or the hormones that seem to be a bit unpredictable, you lash out? 


You don’t have those moments? 

Me either. 

Actually I have had many moments. 

I start out with really good intentions. I get up early, drink enough coffee to give even the most exhausted elephant energy and I convince myself that I’m going to be upbeat, fun, and pleasant. By the time breakfast is on the table I’m barking out orders.

“One bite at a time!”

“Don’t spill your milk.”

“Chew with your mouth closed.”

With each command, my back gets straighter, my jaw gets tighter and I can literally feel the irritation crawling up my spine. Thankfully this doesn’t happen every day, but it could if I really let my hair down. 

It takes a lot to get my mind, attitude, and actions on track each day, each minute. I don’t wake up like Mary Poppins, although I would like to think I do. If I could snap my fingers and make the house sparkle maybe I would be a bit more “fun” like her, but I don’t measure up no matter how many times I sing “A Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down.” 

What does a worn out woman do when the day-in day-out of life makes irritation rise at the first sound of her name being called by a child from the bathroom.

“Mooooooom! Come wipe me!”

Hope for the Worn Out Mom

Thankfully, our family has graduated just beyond the desperate wiping chants, but I know many of you are smack dab in the middle of it, or you are still in the constant diaper changing stage. 

Bless you, sweet mama. This too shall pass and hopefully it passes in the potty. And all the mama’s with children older than four say, “Amen! and Hallelujah!”

Truly I am so thankful for the amazing gifts of God that live under my roof, but motherhood has brought a completely new challenge when it comes to my attitude. 

There is hope for the worn out mom. Here are 4 things to help a worn out a mama right now:

1. Smile. Yes, right now. You’re beautiful! 

It’s amazing how few people smile anymore. Be one of the few that brightens the room even in your own home. Your children will thank you and they will probably smile back. 

“The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” Numbers 6:26 (KJV)

“Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” Psalm 42:11 (KJV)

2. Breathe. 

Seriously. Deep breaths do something to the brain. It just feels good to take a few slow deep breaths. 

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7 (KJV)

3. Remember how thankful you are.

Think of something or someone you can be thankful for today. Express your thankfulness through a text or kind written or spoken word.  

“O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 107:1 (KJV)

4. Tell someone the good parts of mothering. 

It’s easy to get into a discussion about potty training, breast feeding, whether or not your kids will ever go back to school in real life, and if you let your kids have tiktok or not. These are the I would never, or I always type discussions that moms everywhere don’t unite on. There’s guilt trips, articles, and shaming galore. 

But what about the first moment you saw your precious peanut in the womb? What about the moment you made the decision to adopt? Or the excitement of a simple smile or word your child offered? What about the sweet little “I love you’s” after you totally lost it and said things in a way you never dreamed.

Motherhood is the most glorious of roles. It’s the only role where you can fail miserably and be completely encouraged and convicted by a two-year old all in one minute. 

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14 (KJV)

Be encouraged, Mom. You’re doing a good job. 

I know you’re tired. 

I can sense the irritation that creeps in and sticks around sometimes and I can feel it. There is hope for the worn out mom. There is hope for you.

So let’s all smile, breathe, be thankful, and share the good parts of motherhood. I’ll go first. 

Today, I’m thankful for a 14 year old who makes sure I know why I believe what I do, a 12 year old who keeps me smelling the roses, a 10 year old who loves without condition, and a 5 year old who saves his compliments all for me. Motherhood is both exhausting and exhilarating. Now, it’s your turn! Tell me your good parts of motherhood in this season.

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox