5 Ways to Respond in Difficult Times

5 Ways to Respond in Difficult Times

If you are anything like me, your first response to unexpected tragedy, turmoil, and pain isn’t always praise and faith. Sometimes I find myself in the depths of despair hoping someone might come pull me out. I want to have faith and pursue God in every situation, but hard circumstances march into my life and get it wrong.  I’m learning there is a better way. Rather than sinking deep beneath my covers and not letting the light of day in, God gives us fresh awareness of His presence through His Word.  If you are walking through a rough patch and

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5 Tips to Conquer 2021

With every day that passes this year, we have an opportunity to make it a year that honors God. We can let the days slip away without a thought. We can grumble and complain about what life should look like. Or we can embrace it and pursue God in it. Let’s look at 5 tips to conquer 2021. Let’s take a quick look at God’s Word and gather 5 ways to conquer 2021 with faith. This doesn’t have to be your worst year ever. Make it your best! “But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  I love the fresh start of a new year and the excitement of new possibilities and plans. But as we learned in 2020, you never know what a day might bring. As we look toward the opportunities and unknown circumstances of each new day, remember what God has done in the past.  I love looking back and observing and celebrating God’s faithfulness. While the last year definitely gave us all challenges and experiences we never imagined before, it also offered us moments of slower rhythms, quieter days, and obstacles we could have never anticipated.  Fresh Grace and

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When Change Is Difficult

I first wrote these words about when change is difficult when we moved from Baltimore to Virginia. It was a new season with a lot of change. As I sit now in our home in Tennessee, the principle still rings true and encourages my heart. I hope it encourages you too!  The wood beneath my feet was unfamiliar and the length between each step was new. I tiptoed carefully listening for how the house might creak not wanting to wake the children. I reached the final step and made my way to the living room. There was a familiar comfort

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A Thanksgiving Prayer from A to Z

Rather than thanking God for what He can do for me, today He prompted me to praise Him for who is with me. My prayer of thanksgiving changed from “Thank you Lord for this and that,” to something much more focused – a Thanksgiving prayer from A to Z. This prayer of thanksgiving will be something I will go back to again and again, and I hope you will too! A Thanksgiving Prayer from A  to Z  I praise you Lord for you are my Advocate. You are the Author of my life. You hold the Authority over everything I face.

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God, Are You Going to Show Up for Me?

I pull the covers back over my head and take a deep breath. So many things to do and so many errands to run, but the desire to get moving has escaped me. I wonder if God is going to show up for me. I nuzzle back into the comfortable place on the bed and wait for the alarm to buzz. I close my eyes and as soon as my body relaxes, buzz, buzz, buzz. I reach for the phone only moving my arm and feel for the snooze button until the sound stops and I relax again.  I never

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