Cultivating Calmness: 1 Simple Step to Calmer Mornings

Cultivating Calmness: 1 Simple Step to Calmer Mornings

If you missed last week’s post about Cultivating Calmness you can view it HERE. I am not the master of calm mornings, but I have been the creator of completely chaotic ones. I guess you could say, I have learned the hard way what not to do in the morning when children need to be fed, dressed and sent out the door for school. But all things should be done decently and in order. I Corinthians 14:40(ESV) Let’s be honest, early mornings and children do not always go smoothly. If you add in a tired, irritable mom, you will have

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Silent Stealers of Joy: Good Intentions & Guilt

After a long day of mothering, wife-ing, friending, loving, helping, caring, cooking, cleaning, shopping and everything else-ing, I snuggle into my bed and the thoughts of what I should have done differently begin. My thoughts parade through my mind like a slide show highlighting the little things I forgot to do or say. I think of how I should have answered my friend differently or stopped what I was doing to make that needed phone call. I remember the way I rushed my husband out the door so that I would have more time, only to kick myself when I

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Cultivating Calmness: Turn Down the Noise of Life

There is something relaxing about the sound of God’s creation reacting to the ebbs and flows of nature. I enjoy the enchanting sound of birds chirping, rain falling on the roof and leaves as they rustle in the cool breeze of fall. Too often life seems to drowned out the simple sounds that God created. The noise of life bombards our lives and it takes major effort to lower the volume of life. How do we turn down the volume of life when life does not slow down, shut down or stop? Here are a few simple ideas. 1. Limit

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Motherhood: It’s Not a Competition

You see her in the super market, perfect hair, fresh make-up, kids dressed to perfection, and a matching diaper bag and car seat. Surely that adorable bag cost a small fortune. She must have an amazing husband too. He probably makes a lot of money and she can buy anything she wants. It’s not fair. Who has time to get herself looking like a supermodel to go grocery shopping? And those shoes her kids were wearing, they looked brand new. Does she even allow them to play outside? Feeling totally invisible next to her, I swiftly pass by hoping she

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When I Cannot See Tomorrow

When I Cannot See Tomorrow

I can’t see tomorrow. Sometimes it’s exciting. Other times it’s down right terrifying. If I had known about the health issues then I could have prepared for the future. If I had known about the car accident I would have taken a different route. If I had known about my child’s problems at school I would have considered my options. If I had known about this, and if I had known about that before it happened, life would be so much easier. Life is unknown. We can plan, prepare and manipulate our lives, but there will always be things that

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Why Do I Feel This Way? Unmotivated, Irritable and Not Like Myself

Why Do I Feel This Way? Unmotivated, Irritable and Not Like Myself

It was just one of those days. The rain was coming down steadily. The clouds made the house darker than normal and I could feel the stagnant air floating in the space around me. If I could cut through the air and open up a bubble of fresh air, maybe I could find relief. I take a deep breath in and exhale heavily. Maybe a few deep breathing exericises will get the happy cells in my brain to wake up. In a few short hours the day will be past and maybe tomorrow will be brighter. Do you ever have

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