Peace for Today

There are things in life that rock our worlds and cause us to struggle to truly remember God’s presence is with us in all things. We all need fresh peace for today. I want to share a little poem that expresses the sweet way God reminds me He is with me even through the biggest struggles. I hope it encourages your heart.


In times like these I find what’s real,
I learn myself and how I feel.

I cannot fear what tomorrow will be,
For only today is what I see.

I lean into the strong arms of my King,
I sit still in His love, I hear Him sing.

Surrounded by the greatest peace,
No trouble, no care, all burdens cease.

Though the world is worried and pressed,
I must not give my heart over to stress.

My eyes are tempted to wander and stray,
My heart too is pulled in an uncertain way.

But no matter how bad the circumstances may be,
God is bigger, wiser, and always with me.

So when I let fear creep in, and worry abide,
Jesus, remind me, You are right by my side.

Through darkness, and sorrow, and struggle, and pain,
Remind my fragile heart, this life is not vain.

My eyes I lift to your Holy throne,
My heart feels comfort, I am not alone.

Love & Blessings,

About Micah Maddox

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  1. Really really inspired me the poem is very interesting to read and remember to say it every time when I lost my peace

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